
Biden Administration Admits Fudging Real Inflation Data to Help Joe

Well, well, well, it looks like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has decided to pull a fast one on us all. In a move that’s as baffling as it is infuriating, they’ve allegedly announced that coffee prices will no longer be factored into the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation data. And why, you ask? To give Joe Biden a leg up during the presidential election. Our morning brew, the sacred elixir of life for 73% of Americans who drink coffee every day, is now being sidelined in the inflation calculations.

Imagine waking up, stumbling to your kitchen, and finding out your favorite brand of coffee has doubled in price overnight. You’d think that’s something the powers-that-be would want to keep track of, right? Wrong. According to the latest plot twist in the saga of our economy, exploding coffee prices are inconvenient for the narrative. It’s like saying, “If we don’t talk about it, maybe it’ll go away.” Well, here’s a newsflash: Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it disappear.

Now, for those of us keeping score at home, this isn’t just about our beloved caffeine fix getting pricier by the minute (though that’s tragic enough). This is about authenticity, transparency, and, dare I say, the audacity of hope—hope that our leaders would rather face issues head-on than sweep them under the rug. But alas, here we are, watching as the rug gets lumpier with every passing policy.

The BLS’s decision is yet another example of how the current administration is fudging the numbers to paint a rosier picture of the economy. “Look over there—shiny!” they seem to say, hoping we’ll forget about the less pleasant realities, like the fact that grocery prices are up more than 30%, gas prices are making us nostalgic for the days of under $3 a gallon, and oh, coffee prices have skyrocketed by a whopping 78% since September 2023. But sure, let’s not include that in the inflation data. Makes total sense.

It’s fascinating, really, how Joe Biden’s team thinks they can play these games and not get called out. During a recent interview that could only be described as a dumpster fire, Biden had the gall to claim inflation was at 9% when he took office. Spoiler alert: It was actually 1.4%. But hey, who’s counting, right? Apparently not the BLS.

In a world where “corporate greed” is blamed for people’s financial struggles while government policies skate by unscrutinized, one has to wonder what’s next. Maybe next year they’ll exclude housing costs because too many people are buying gold-plated toilet seats, or so the story might go.

In the meantime, we’ll be over here, paying an arm and a leg for our morning coffee, chuckling bitterly at the irony of it all. Because in the end, what’s a little inflation between friends? Or, in this case, between a government and its people.

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