
Pelosi Goes Into Bizarre Rant on House Floor

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is making waves on the internet again. This time, she’s got everyone scratching their heads over her rather…let’s call it “unique”…analogy involving TikTok and tic-tac-toe.

In a house floor rant that can only be described as a bizarre spectacle, Pelosi passionately defended the social media giant TikTok. It was less of a defense, more of a plea, really. And oh boy, did she pull out all the stops!

Pelosi exclaimed with dramatic hand gestures, “This is not a ban on TikTok. It’s an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-tac-toe. A winner! A winner!”. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like someone trying to explain quantum physics using a rubber duck. Pelosi also claimed that the people of China are suppressed and unable to express themselves on TikTok. Now, I’m no expert, but last I checked, TikTok was banned in China. So, there’s that.

As expected, the internet had a field day with Pelosi’s comments. One user wrote, “Nancy Pelosi is lying to you about the TikTok ban”. Another one quipped, “I think she’s drunk again folks”. Ouch! That’s gotta sting.

And let’s not forget the reactions. They ranged from accusations of censorship to disbelief at the idea that the government could improve social media. My personal favorite? “I’m surprised she didn’t say ‘winner, winner, chicken dinner'”. Now, that would’ve been something!

But in all seriousness, what does this episode tell us? Well, for starters, it shows how out of touch some politicians can be when it comes to understanding technology. I just honestly still can’t believe this woman is still in Congress. Does she really not have anything better to do with her life besides make Americans miserable?

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